Rain Garden completion at the Carlson Center in 2017!
Work completed:
Green Infrastructure for Interior Alaska: This guide highlights the local benefits and implementation of best management practices with interior Alaska. It was developed by the Alaska Department of Natural Resources Community Forestry Program, Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation Water Division, the Tanana Valley Watershed Association and the Fairbanks Green Infrastructure Group. Funded by the Community Forestry Program of the Alaska Department of Natural Resources through the “Using Green Infrastructure to Restore the Chena River Watershed” grant from the USDA Forest Service.
Site Plan for Noble Street: Noble Street and 2nd Avenue GI site plan.
Site Plan for Pioneer Park: Pioneer Park GI site plan.
Design for the Environment PowerPoint: How to plan a green infrastructure project to fit the environment.
Tanana Chiefs Conference Low Impact Development Comparison: Project Report for TCC in July 2017 and prepared by PDC Engineers.
GI installed Fbks: Benefits, cost effect, before and after PowerPoint: Design of the Big I storm water project.
TVWA Rain Garden Video, Tanana Valley Watershed Association
Complete Streets August 27, 2014 Presentation: Jackson Fox at Rain to River Resource Center Conference Room
DIY Rainwater Projects for the Home: Creating Habitat and Treating Runoff Presentation
Green Infrastructure NRM 101 Fall 2016 at UAF Presentation
Fairbanks Green Infrastructure Group Presentation to City of Fairbanks Mayor
Permeable Pavers: Stormwater Design Workshop Presentation to Volunteer Group
Displays-two installed at City Hall and one was provided at the Fairbanks Home Show.